Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here it is, my very own blog. I've thought about doing this for a long time and just never went through with it - lately I've been experiencing a lot of changes and hopefully growth in my life and decided it was time to go public and see if my experiences could help anyone else.

As for the title - an authentic life is something I long for, and yet at times I'm not even sure what it really means! Right now, it has to do with reducing the number of masks I wear by reducing the differences between the roles I play - employee, mother, daughter, sister, friend, mentor, etc. It's not usually a conscious decision - more like a pattern I fall into based on external circumstances. And that's the problem - why do I change in response to where I am and who I'm with - shouldn't I just be me no matter where I am or who I'm with?

Let me know what you think. Be back later...

1 comment:

Dave Ambrose said...

I think you're right! I'd love to live that way all the time too...but it just seems so difficult at times.